"The Influence of Acculturation on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test by M" by Dean M. Coffey

Date of Award

Spring 5-2-2003

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Graduate Department of Clinical Psychology

First Advisor

Leonardo Marmol, PhD, ABPP

Second Advisor

Leah Schock, PhD

Third Advisor

Wayne Adams, PhD


The relationship hctwccn the level of acculturation anManual de Normas y procedimientos para la Bateria Neuropsicologica en Espanol (Artiola i Fortuny, Hennosillo, Heaton, & Pardee, 1999) using the Mexico/U.S. border region norms in the manual. Significant differences were demonstrated for Total Number Correct (p < .01) for the less acculturated subgroup (n = 26). There were no significant differences between the more acculturated subgroup (n = 8) and the Spanish normative sample. This study demonstrates that the WCST is not a culture-free neuropsychological instrument. The results provide supporting evidence for the use of the Mexico/U.S. border region norms with Spanish-speaking Mexican Americans in the Northwest region of the United States.
