Content Posted in 2017
Girl's White Dress, George Fox University Archives
Girl's White Petticoat, George Fox University Archives
Given's "Parenting is easy: You’re probably just doing it wrong" (Book Review), Cynorra Jackson
Giving Permission for Creative Preaching in the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod: Returning to Our Creative Roots, Glen Schlecht
Glass Bottle, George Fox University Archives
Glass Cutter, George Fox University Archives
Glass Dishes, George Fox University Archives
Glass Fruit Jar with Lid, George Fox University Archives
Glass Item, George Fox University Archives
Glass Item, George Fox University Archives
Glass Jar, George Fox University Archives
Glass Salt Dish, George Fox University Archives
Glenna Jensen and Joan Stebbins serve cake at Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Global Trends in Mobile Technology and Their Impact on Your Library, Alice B. Ruleman University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg
Glove Holder, George Fox University Archives
Glyco-Ulmus, George Fox University Archives
Glyco-Ulmus Bottle, George Fox University Archives
God Be With You 'Til We Meet (and eat ... and greet ...) Again! Snapshots from ACL 2013, Deborah McConkey
Godsey's "The god particle: God-talk in a “big bang” world" (Book Review), Rory Patterson
God's First Discourse: Connected by the Community of Creation in the Harmony Way, Randy Woodley
Goffin's "Professionalizing Early Childhood Education As Field of Practice: A Guide to the Next Era" (Book Review), Susan Bumpas
Going Away Party - Marian Hughes, Development Secretary, George Fox University Archives
Going Away Party - Marian Hughes, Development Secretary, George Fox University Archives
Gold Crescent Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Gold Q Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Gold Q Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Gold Q Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Gold T Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Gold T Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Gonzalez and Gonzalez's "Nuestra Fe: A Latin American Church History Sourcebook" (Book Review), W. Terry Martin
Gonzalez's "A brief history of Sunday: From the New Testament to the new creation" (Book Review), Kyle DiRoberts
Goode, Lewis, and Trulear's "Ministry with Prisoners and Families: The Way Forward" (Book Review), Lisa B. Hayes
Gordon and Kacandes's "Let’s talk about death: Asking questions that profoundly change the way we live and die" (Book Review), Paul A. Roberts
Gosnell's "The Ethical Vision of the Bible: Learning Good From Knowing God" (Book Review), Rory Patterson
Grace's "Making peace with the earth: Action and advocacy for climate justice" (Book Review), Dolores Yilibuw
Gramling's "The Great Disconnect in Early Childhood Education: The Difference Between What We Know vs. What We Do" (Book Review), Lisa Cutforth-Anderson
Grann's "Killers of the flower moon: The Osage murders and the birth of the FBI" (Book Review), Roderick Leupp
Graves' "Strangers to Fire: When Tradition Trumps Scripture" (Book Review), Kenneth D. Litwak
Gray's "Hermeneutics of Hymnody: A Comprehensive and Integrated Approach to Understanding Hymns" (Critical Review), Jason Runnels
Greene's "A Christmas Belle" (Book Review), Gary Averill
Greene's "A groom for Christmas" (Book Review), Gary Averill
Greene's "Daredevils" (Book Review), Gary Averill
Greene's "Spur of the Moment Bride" (Book Review), Gary Averill
Green's "Why Salvation?" (Book Review), Dennis Ingolfsland
Greenway's "For the Love of All Creatures: The Story of Grace in Genesis" (Book Review), Kathy A. Watts
Greetings from CALA: Christian Librarians in Africa, Ephraim Mudave
Ground Mace (spice), George Fox University Archives
Grounds Maintenance, George Fox University Archives
Group of students sing in costume, George Fox University Archives
Grundeken and Verheyden's "Early Christian Communities Between Ideal and Reality" (Book Review), W. Terry Martin
Guests from Friendsview, George Fox University Archives
Guests from Friendsview, George Fox University Archives
Guests from Friendsview, George Fox University Archives
Gushee, D. P., & Stassen, G. H.'s "Kingdom ethics: Following Jesus in contemporary context (2nd ed.)" (Book Review), Rory Patterson
Gzella's "A Cultural History of Aramaic" (Book Review), Gary R. Averill
Habib and Thoene's "Face to Face with Jesus: A Former Muslim's Extraordinary Journey to Heaven and Encounter with the God of Love" (Book Review), Stanford Terhune
Hamilton's "Hear no evil" (Book Review), Lauren Kelley
Hannan, Kiger, and Newman's "Authentic Communication: Public Speaking for Everyone" (Book Review), Laura Walton
Hansel's "Creative block play: A comprehensive guide to learning through building" (Book Review), Kristin Vargas
Hans Mol’s Sociology of Religion: Reflection on the Relationship between Identity and the Sacred as Applied to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tomislav Tadić
Hard Questions Concerning Structure and Values in the New North American Aboriginal Church, Randy Woodley
Harley's "His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage" (Book Review), Carol Reid
Harrington and Patrick's "Disciple maker's handbook" (Book Review), James Mancuso
Harton's "Orthodoxy and heresy in early Christian contexts: Reconsidering the Bauer thesis" (Book Review), Mark Hanson
Hart's "50 Things You Need to Know About Heaven" (Book Review), Amy Bessin
Hart's "Damning words" (Book Review), Gary Fitsimmons
Hartsell-Gundy, Braunstein, and Golomb's "Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists" (Book Review), Joshua M. Avery
Harvey and Gilberts' "Letting go: Rugged love for wayward souls" (Book Review), Marla Black
Hauerwas and Willimon's "Resident aliens: Life in the Christian colony" (Book Review), Seth Allen
Hauerwas, S., & Willimon, W. H.'s "The Holy Spirit" (Book Review), Deborah McConkey
Hawkins and Parkinson's "Move: What 1,000 churches reveal about spiritual growth" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
Hawkins' "Guidestones: Ancient Landmarks of Authenticity for the 21st Century Church" (Book Review), W. Terry Martin
Hawkins' "How Israel Became a People" (Book Review), Daniel Chesney
"Heart" (Kardia) in the Doctrine of Soteriology, Clyde James Zehr
Heintzman's "Leisure and Spirituality: Biblical, Historical, and Contemporary Perspectives" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
Heisler's "Spirit-Led Preaching: The Holy Spirit's Role in Sermon Preparation and Delivery" (Book Review), Craig Rosenbeck
Helen Willcuts - Matron of Kanyon Hall, George Fox University Archives
Herold's "Creating Leaders: An Examination of Academic and Research Library Leadership Institutes" (Book Review), Rory Patterson
Hidden Under a Bushel? Evangelical Journals in an Era of Web-Based Communications, Gregory A. Smith
Hilliard's "Midlife, Manhood, and Ministry" (Book Review), Paul A. Roberts
Hill's "Dribble drabble: Process art experiences for young children" (Book Review), T-Ann Currie
Hiscox's "The Star Book for Ministers", Shelia Gaines
History of the Oregon Conference of the Free Methodist Church, Howard Sanders
Holder and Lannon's "Difficult Decisions: Closing & Merging Academic Libraries" (Book Review), Ruth A. McGuire
Hoover Coin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Coin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Coin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Coin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Coin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Coin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Coin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Medal, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Medal, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Medal, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Medal, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Pin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Pin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Pin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Pin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Pin, George Fox University Archives
Hoover Pin, George Fox University Archives
Horton's "Core Christianity: Finding yourself in God’s story" (Book Review), Jessica Shuck
Horton's "Rediscovering the Holy Spirit" (Book Review), Robert Lancaster
Hosiery Box, George Fox University Archives
Hovering in the Heat: Effects of Environmental Temperature on Heat Regulation in Foraging Hummingbirds, Don R. Powers, Kathleen M. Langland, Susan M. Wethington, Sean D. Powers, Catherine H. Graham, and Bret W. Tobalske
Howard's "Lavish grace: Poured out, poured through, and overflowing" (Book Review), Noelle Keller
How Teachers Who Use Restorative Approaches Come to Adopt a Restorative Justice Mindset: a Phenomenological Study of Process, Timothy L. Loomer
How to Add a Day to Your Work Week, Linda Jones
How to Identify Your Impact: ACL 2013 Preconference with Joe Matthews, Brian Holda
Human Christmas Tree, George Fox University Archives
Human Christmas Tree, George Fox University Archives
Human Sex Trafficking: How Sex Trafficking Victims and Survivors Experience Hope and Resilience, Adrian Egger
Humpty Dumpty sits on the brick wall, George Fox University Archives
Humpty Dumpty sits on the brick wall while Alice looks up at him with hands on her hips, George Fox University Archives
Hunt's "Bonding with your child through boundaries" (Book Review), J. James Mancuso
Huss's "Where’s Jesus? American Christianity in crisis" (Book Review), Dale R. Jensen
Identity Reconstruction as Shiduers: Narratives from Chinese Older Adults Who Lost Their Only Child, Yongqiang Zheng and Thomas Lawson
Impact of Human Rights Abuses on Economic Outlook, Benjamin Antony and Tyler Bowman
Improve Your Church Library, John Engle
Improving Student Training Through Computer-Based Tutorials, Joshua Michael
Indian Net-Scoop, George Fox University Archives
Infant Bonnet, George Fox University Archives
Information Apprenticeship: Integrating Faith and Learning in the Library, Dean M. Riley
Infusing a Paradigm of Mission and Multiplication into the Greater Ohio District of the Wesleyan Church, Christopher Dyer
Ink Bottle, George Fox University Archives
Ink Box, George Fox University Archives
Inner Healing and Deliverance as an Essential Component of the Discipleship Structure of the Local Church, Jonathan Lee Shoo Chiang
Innovation and the Local Congregation: Unleashing the Creative Power of Communities of Faith, Dan S. Poffenberger
Inspiring Greatness: 2011 Association of Christian Librarians Conference, Lynn Brock and Brent Etzel
Instilling Health and Vitality into the Third Wave Oraon Churches in Jharkhand, Samuel Stephens
Instructional Literacy: ACL 2013 Preconference with Char Booth, Becky Fisher
Integrating E-Books into the Collection: Some Practical Considerations, John Doncevic and Kathryn Floyd
Integrating International Students through the Library Experience, Jeannie Ferriss
Interdisciplinary Team Based Pastoral Care: A Potentially Adaptable Model for Estonian Healthcare, Liidia Meel and Tõnu Lehtsaar
"Inter-Mission", George Fox University Archives
"Inter-Mission", George Fox University Archives
"Inter-Mission", George Fox University Archives
"Inter-Mission", George Fox University Archives
"Inter-Mission", George Fox University Archives
In the Way They Should Go: Nurturing the Relational and Spiritual Nature of Children, Jamee Free
Intimate Partner Violence, Perception of Safety, and Faith Among Female College Students Attending Faith-Based Institutions, Liliya Anatolyevna Rudneva
Introducing Followership into the Leadership Classroom: An Integrative Approach, Craig E. Johnson
Inventory or Stockcheck?, Jim Womack
Investing in the Student Staff Development Process, Jeremy McGinniss and Joshua B. Michael
Invitation: A Declaration of European Muslims, Mustafa Cerić
Is Authority Always Constructed and Contextual? A Classical Challenge to the Framework for Information Literacy, Nathan Rinne
Is Conformity a Mediating Variable on Increased Risk-Taking Behavior across Years of Membership in the Greek System?, Chloe Lee-Zorn, William C. Buhrow, and Brett Vicario
Issac Smith - Maintenance, George Fox University Archives
Is There a Library in Our Future?: iPad and the Future of Small College Libraries, Dennis Ingolfsland
Jack Baker, SAGA Food Service Manager, George Fox University Archives
James E. Settle, George Fox University Archives
James Nayler and Jacob Boehme's "The Way to Christ", Carole Dale Spencer
James' "The glory of the cross: Exploring the meaning of the death of Christ" (Book Review), Tami E. Robinson
Janet Lyda - Registrar/Records, George Fox University Archives
Jan Umfleet - Student Accounts Assistant, George Fox University Archives
Jan Umfleet - Student Accounts Assistant, George Fox University Archives
Jan Umfleet - Student Accounts Assistant, George Fox University Archives
Jeanette McNichols - Librarian
Jeanette McNichols - Librarian, George Fox University Archives
Jeannette McNichols cutting beard of man, George Fox University Archives
Jeffrey and Evans' "The Bible and the university" (Book Review), Armand T. Ternak
Jenkins' "The Future of Ethics: Sustainability, Social Justice, and Religious Creativity" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
Jim Bishop - Public Relations Office, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson - Admissions, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson "Carnation Award", George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson "Carnation Award", George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson "Carnation Award", George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson "Carnation Award", George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson "Carnation Award", George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson is acknowledged at his farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson lies on floor with dramatic facial expression and hand out, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Jackson's farewell party, George Fox University Archives
Jim Talbot - SAGA Director, George Fox University Archives
Job Searching In The New Millennium, Linda L. Jones
Job Searching In The New Millennium, Linda L. Jones
Jodi Nofziger, George Fox University Archives
Joeckel's "The C. S. Lewis phenomenon: Christianity and the public sphere" (Book Review), Mark Hanson
Jo Helsabeck, Switchboard Mail Room, George Fox University Archives
Jo Helsabeck, Switchboard Mail Room, George Fox University Archives
Jo Helsabeck, Switchboard Mail Room, George Fox University Archives
John Lyda, Maintenance, George Fox University Archives
John Lyda, Physical Plant Director, George Fox University Archives
John Lyda, Physical Plant Director, George Fox University Archives
Johnson's "Holding up your corner: Talking about race in your community" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
Jones' "Christian social innovation: Renewing Wesleyan witness" (Book Review), Grace Andrews
Jones' "Practicing Christian Doctrine: An Introduction to Thinking and Living Theologically" (Book Review), Steve Emerson
Jones' "Reaching the unreached: Becoming raiders of the lost art" (Book Review), Noelle Keller
Josephine "Jo" Church, George Fox University Archives
Journal of Yellowstone trip 1953, George Fox University Archives
Joustra and Wilkinson's "How to survive the Apocalypse; Zombies, cylons, faith and politics at the end of the world" (Book Review), Cynthia Hammell
Judi Comfort stands at desk with Ron Crescelius, George Fox University Archives
Judy Settle and clown, George Fox University Archives
Judy Settle and clown, George Fox University Archives
Julie Hawley at Third World Dinner Fund Raiser Event - World Hunger Event, George Fox University Archives
Kageler's "Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society: Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists and Sincere Believers of Other Faiths" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
Kalantzis and Lee's "Christian Political Witness" (Book Review), Micah W. Kubic
Kalantzis and Lee's "Christian Political Witness" (Book Review), Philip McBrayer
Kalbian's "Sex, Violence, and Justice: Contraception and the Catholic Church" (Book Review), Mark Sloneker
Kaminsky, Lohr, and Reasoner's "The Abingdon Introduction to the Bible: Understanding Jewish and Christian Scriptures" (Book Review), Brian W. Holda
Kapic and Jones' "The Ashgate Research Companion to John Owen’s Theology" (Book Review), Jeremy W. Labosier
Kapic's "A Little Book for New Theologians: Why and How to Study Theology" (Book Review), Brad Doerksen
Kapic's "A Little Book for New Theologians: Why and How to Study Theology" (Book Review), Brad Doerksen
Kapic's "A Little Book for New Theologians: Why and How to Study Theology" (Book Review), Tiffany Norris
Karen Peterson - RD Edwards/Weesner Village, George Fox University Archives
Karon's "Somewhere safe with somebody good" (Book Review), Julie Ellis
Katherine Eichenberger - Assistant Bursar, George Fox University Archives
Katherine Eichenberger sits at desk with man, George Fox University Archives
Katherine Loewen - Assistant Bookstore Manager, George Fox University Archives
Katherine Loewen- Assistant Bookstore Manager, George Fox University Archives
Kathleen Gregory Wilhite - Secretary, George Fox University Archives
Kathleen Gregory Wilhite - Secretary, George Fox University Archives
Kay's "The Glorious Revolution and the continuity of law" (Book Review), John E. Shaffett
Kazakhstan: Is Sharing Faith a State Security Issue?, Felix Corley
Kbusingye and Bone's "Born anonymous: One story of hope and love in Rwanda" (Book Review), Lindsay Van Sicklen
Keel and Schroer's " Creation; Biblical theologies in the context of the ancient Near East" (Book Review), Paul B. Drake
Keener's "Spirit hermeneutics: Reading scripture in the light of Pentecost" (Book Review), Dale R. Jensen
Kellum's "Preaching the Farewell Discourse: an Expository Walk through John 13:31-17:26" (Book Review), J. James Mancuso
Kendall's "Connected: Christian Parenting in an Age of IM and MySpace" (Book Review), Paul A. Roberts
Kendall's "Finding Your Heart's Desire" (Book Review), Amy Bessin
Kennedy's "The first American Evangelical: A short life of Cotton Mather" (Book Review), Robert W. Caldwell III
Kenneth Willams, Dean of Students, with Pastor Kim, George Fox University Archives
Kenneth Williams, George Fox University Archives
Kenneth Williams, George Fox University Archives
Kenya's "God's presence: the missing something" (Book Review), Cynthia Hammell
Kenya's "The power of a woman: You are not ordinary" (Book Review), Vonda Henderson
Kerry Rueck - Assistant Coach Women's Basketball at George Fox, George Fox University Archives
Kim's "St. Epiphanius of Cyprus: Ancoratus" (Book Review), Stefana Dan Laing
King's "St. Cyril of Alexandria: Three Christological Treatises" (Book Review), Stefana Dan Laing
King's "Yet One More Spring: A Critical Study of Joy Davidman" (Book Review), Douglas L. Fruehling
Kirk-Duggan and Hall's "Wake Up! Hip Hop Christianity and the Black Church" (Book Review), Monika Seweryn
Kirk's "A man attested by God: The human Jesus of the synoptic gospels" (Book Review), Kyle D. DiRoberts
knit baby booties, George Fox University Archives
Knit White Baby Bonnet, George Fox University Archives
Kostenberger and Croteau's "Which Bible Translation Should I Use?: A Comparison of 4 Major Recent Versions" (Book Review), Gary R. Averill
Kostenberger, Bock, and Chatraw's "Truth Matters: Confident Faith in a Confusing World" (Book Review), Robert Burgess
Koukl's "The story of reality: How the world began, how it ends, and everything important that happens in between" (Book Review), Craig Rosenbeck
Kurlansky's "Paper: Paging through history" (Book Review), Robert Burgess
Kyle's "Road to harmony" (Book Review), Gary Averill
Kyle's "The girl’s guide to life" (Book Review), Amy Rice
LaBarre's "Learning Mission, Living Mission: Churches that Work" (Book Review), Dale R. Jensen
Lace Doily, George Fox University Archives
LaDonna House - Development, George Fox University Archives
LaDonna House - Development, George Fox University Archives
LaDonna (House) Moore poses with others on couch, George Fox University Archives
LaDonna (House) Moore poses with others on couch, George Fox University Archives
Lady's Gym Uniform Top, George Fox University Archives
Lagerspetz's "Trust, ethics, and human reason" (Book Review), Rory Patterson
Lambert's "A theology of biblical counseling: The doctrinal foundations of counseling ministry" (Book Review), Laura E. Walton
Lambert's "Separation of Church & State: Founding Principle of Religious Liberty" (Book Review), Charles Huckaby
Lamoureux's "Evolution: Scripture and nature say yes!" (Book Review), Mary Ann Buhler
Lamp Perfume Bottle, George Fox University Archives
Lang, O'Driscoll, and Williams' "Just War: Authority, Tradition and Practice" (Book Review), Lisa Cutforth-Anderson
Lanham's "Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives" (Book Review), Laura E. Walton
Lantern, George Fox University Archives
Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Last's "The Christmas Virtues: A Treasury of Conservative Tales for the Holidays" (Book Review), Carrie Beth Lowe
Last's "The Dadly Virtues: Adventures From The Worst Job You'll Ever Love" (Book Review), Lindsay Van Sicklen
Last's "The Seven Deadly Virtues" (Book Review), Kristin A. Vargas
Leadership Problems in Theological Libraries, Paul A. Tippey
Learning Curve in Rwanda: A Long Journey of Transformation, Debby Thomas
Learning Disabled Special Education Students and General Education Opportunities, Candace Pelt
Leather Baby Boots, George Fox University Archives
Lee-Barnewall's "Neither complementarian nor egalitarian: A kingdom corrective to the Evangelical gender debate" (Book Review), Heather Hicks
Leeman's "Don’t fire your church members: The case for congregationalism" (Book Review), Mark Tubbs
Legalists, Visionaries, and New Names: Sectarianism and the Search for Apocalyptic Origins in Isaiah 56–66, Brian R. Doak
Leibovitz's "God in the MachineL Video Games as Spiritual Pursuit" (Book Review), Sarah E. Keil
Lemonade Box, George Fox University Archives
Leonard's "A sense of the heart: Christian religious experience in the United States" (Book Review), Linda Poston
Leona White Cooking in Kitchen, George Fox University Archives
Leslie's "The crossing" (Book Review), Lynn Kahkola
Lessons Learned in Eurasia Ministry: Mostly the Hard Way, Mark R. Elliott
Letter from Amy to Howard, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Amy to Howard June 5, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Amy to Howard September 23, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Carl Taylor September 1, 1950, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Carrie B. Wood to Friends June 1, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Carrie B. Wood to Marie Haines February 15, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Carrie B. Wood to Marie Haines February 18, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Carrie B. Wood to Marie Haines June 19, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Carrie B. Wood to Marie HainesMay 15, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Carrie B. Wood to Marie Haines November 29, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Carroll and Doris Tamplin February 26, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Church Comission in Bolivia September 17, 1950, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Don to Ellen, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Don to Ellen April 8, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Don to Julia August 29, 1990, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Don to Marie May 12, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Elica Hennera Soto August 30, 1961, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Harold Harriman to Marie March 5, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Bentley March 10, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack December 4, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack February 10, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack January 30, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack October 20, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack to Marie February 2, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack to Marie July 1, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack to Marie March 3, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack to Marie November 5, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Helen Cammack to Marie October 22, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Don April 19, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Don February 15, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Don January 20, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Don June 10, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Don March 30, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Don November 5, 1946, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Julia April 13, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Julia January 26, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Howard to Julia March 11, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from John Astleford to Friends April 24, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia and Howard to Don November 26, 1946, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family April 1, 1940, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family April 12, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family April 16, 1940, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family April 23, 1940, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family April 23, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family April 26, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family April 28, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family April 28, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family April 4, 1940, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family August 1, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family August 29, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family August 30, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family August 5, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family August 8, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family December 12, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family December 13, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family December 14, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family December 2, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family December 2, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family December 25, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family December 27, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family December 27, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family December 27, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family December 28, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family December 6, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family February 1, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family February 13, 1940, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family February 15, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family February 17, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family february 2, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family February 22, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family February 5, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family February 5, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family February 6, 1940, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family January 16, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family January 17, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family January 24, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family January 27, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family January 3, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family July 11, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family July 12, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family July 15, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family July 21, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family July 21, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family July 25, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family July 31, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family July 3, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family July 3, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family June 16, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family June 30, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family June 4, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family March 1, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family March 15, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family March 23, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family March 24, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family March 29, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family March 4, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family March 5, 1940, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family March 8, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family May 11, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family May 1, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family May 17, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family May 19, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family May 25, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family May 26, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family May 3, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family May 6, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family November 10, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family November 1, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family November 12, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family November 14, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family November 15, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family November 20, 1946, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family November 22, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family November 23, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family November 27, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family November 29, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family November 6, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family November 6, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family November 8, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family October 14, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family October 18, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family October 30, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family October 31, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family October 6, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family October 7, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family October 9, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family September 11, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family September 14, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family September 22, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to family September 27, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family September 29, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Family September 30, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Friends April 8, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Friends January 18, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Friends January 20, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to her father November 15, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to her father November 22, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard April 9, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard August 14, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard August 22, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard August 22, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard January 11, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard July 15, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard March 10, 1918, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard March 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard March 31, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard May 27, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Howard October 14, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie and family January 6, 1950, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie April 14, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie April 28, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie April 6, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie August 11, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie August 16, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie August 16, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie August 17, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie August 22, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie August 27, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie December 12, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie December 20, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie December 28, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie December 30, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie December 8, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie February 10, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie February 21, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie February 27, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie February 6, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie January 14, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie January 18, 1950, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie January 28, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie January 29, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie January 29, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie January 3, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie January 6, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie July 1, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie July 18, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie June 14, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie June 2, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie June 3, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie June 6, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie March 1, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie March 16, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie March 19, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie March 21, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie March 29, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie March 3, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie May 15, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie May 4, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie November 15, 1943, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie November 29, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie October 18, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie October 25, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie October 28, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie October 4, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie October 7, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie September 20, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie September 30, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marie September 7, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Julia to Marjorie september 25, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Letter from K.R. Haines to Marie October 23, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Lolotte Gary de F. October 28, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Louise Ellett to Marie Haines December 19, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Lyle Sharp to Howard Pearson June 19, 1950, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Marie Chapman to Julia and Marie February 6, 1945, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Paulett October 24, 1919, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Ra;ph and Marie Chapman to Friends August 15, 1947, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Rosco and Tina Knight December 12, 1983, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Rosco and Tina Knight January 18, 1983, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Rosco and Tina Knight January 1984, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Rosco and Tina Knight June 20, 1984, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Rosco and Tina Knight March 27, 1982, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Rosco and Tina Knight May 24, 1984, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Rosco and Tina Knight September 1978, George Fox University Archives
Letter from the Editor, Garrett Trott
Letter from the Editor, Tami Robinson
Letter from the Editor, Garrett Trott
Letter from the Editor, Joshua M. Avery
Letter from the Editor, Garrett Trott
Letter from the Editor, Tami Echavarria Robinson
Letter from the Editor, Garrett Trott
Letter from the Editor, Anne-Elizabeth Powell
Letter from the Editor, Amy James
Letter from the Editor-In-Chief, Anne-Elizabeth Powell
Letter from the Pearsons to Friends back home December 1, 1941, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Tina Knight January 17, 1979, George Fox University Archives
Letter from Tina Knight September 21, 1979, George Fox University Archives
Letter of introduction for Howard, George Fox University Archives
Letter of recomendation for Howard Pearson, George Fox University Archives
Letter to Friends from the Knights December 31, 1948, George Fox University Archives
Letter to Howard from Martin Garcruća February 2, 1950, George Fox University Archives
Letter to Julia from Virginia Eleaganay March 21, 1962, George Fox University Archives
Letter to Julia from Virginia Eleaganay September 30, 1961, George Fox University Archives
Letter to Marie Haines in Spanish, George Fox University Archives
Letter to Marie Haines in Spanish January 3, 1939, George Fox University Archives
Letter to Marie Haines in Spanish September 12, 1938, George Fox University Archives
Letter to Marie Hanes from John Astleford April 14, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Letter With Megaphone, George Fox University Archives
Lewis and ed. Downing's "The Pilgrim's Regress: Wade Annotated Edition" (Book Review), Laura Rhoden
Librarian Hacks, Seth Allen
Librarian Hacks: Introducing the Virtual Theological Library Project, Seth Allen
Librarians as Disciples and Disciple-Makers, Nancy Warwick
Librarians Get Creative at Conference Time: Don Perini at ACL 2013, Mark Hanson
Librarians' Lament, Mick R. Williams
Librarians' Role Outside The Walls, A Roundtable Discussion, Lindsay L. Van Sicklen
Libraries and Student Retention, Mick Williams
Library As Place: Being Human in a Digital World, Amanda C.R. Clark
Library Research Instruction for Doctor of Ministry Students: Outcomes of Instruction Provided by a Theological Librarian and by a Program Faculty Member, Charles D. Kamilos and Rodney Birch
Life Members, Dale Solberg
Lind's "A Charlie Brown religion: Exploring the spiritual life and work of Charles M. Schulz" (Book Review), Cathie L. Chatmon
Lippincott's "Freedom's Tree" (Book Review), Mary Ann Buhler
Long Kid Gloves, George Fox University Archives
Love as a Replacement for Fear in the Workplace, Debby Thomas
Lozenges Tin (empty), George Fox University Archives
Ludwig's "A tempting taste of mystery" (Book Review), Georgianne Bordner
Lynd's "Leaving innocence: A Gran and Bass Olson mystery" (Book Review), Lauren Kelley
Lyon, C., & Matlock, M. 's "Ideas for parents: A collection of tips, insights, and activities for real-world parenting" (Book Review), Cynorra Jackson
Lytton's "Silence" (Book Review), Deborah L. Denison
Mabry's "Medical judgement" (Book Review), Becky Fisher
Macedonian Orthodox Church in the Context of Balkan and European Orthodoxy, Gjoko Gjorgjevski
Macedonian-Romanian Church Relations, Ruzhica Cacanoska
MacGregor's "Luis de Molina: The life and theology of the founder of middle knowledge" (Book Review), Steve Emerson
Mail Room: Jo Helsabeck with work study students, George Fox University Archives
Making the World a Better Place: The Praxis of Christian Community Development as a Church Planting and Multiplication Strategy in Urban Poor Communities in the United States, Phillip W. Struckmeyer
Male actor holds hands out and looks at female actress, George Fox University Archives
Male actor waves hand while female actress looks at him, George Fox University Archives
Male and female actors kneel close to ground and look into the distance, George Fox University Archives
Male and female actors perform on stage, George Fox University Archives
Male and female actors perform on stage, George Fox University Archives
Male and female actors perform on stage, George Fox University Archives
Male and female wear matching striped outfits and talk, George Fox University Archives
Male student holds arms of two female students on stage, George Fox University Archives
Male students casually stand around, George Fox University Archives
Managing Up: Subtle but Effective Communication with the “Powers That Be”, Lindsay L. Van Sicklen
Man and woman listen to man who holds his hand out in front of him, George Fox University Archives
Man in turtle costume stands and talks next to Alice with finger pointing upward, George Fox University Archives
Man is filmed while working, George Fox University Archives
Man performs ventriloquism with puppet, George Fox University Archives
Man's Shirt, George Fox University Archives
March Hare, Dormouse, and Mad Hatter sit at the end of the table, George Fox University Archives
March Hare, Dormouse, and Mad Hatter sit at the end of the table, George Fox University Archives
March Hare, Dormouse, and Mad Hatter sit at the table; Mad Hatter has a weird look on his face, George Fox University Archives
Marie Chapman greets Grandpa Clifton Ross, George Fox University Archives
Marie Chapman, Secretary of Admissions, George Fox University Archives
Marjoram (spice), George Fox University Archives
Marjoram (spice), George Fox University Archives
Marlow's "Andi saddles up" (Book Review), Jennifer Rich
Marlow's "Andrea Carter and the long ride home" (Book Review), Cathie Chatmon
Marlow's "Courageous love" (Book Review), Cynthia Hammell
Marlow's "The last ride: An Andrea Carter book." (Book Review), Jeanette Parker
Marshall and Mosher's "Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny: Christian and Muslim Perspectives" (Book Review), John M. Hunter
Martinson's "Story: The power of narrative for Christian leaders" (Book Review), Curt Rice
Marzouk's "Egypt as a Monster in the Book of Ezekial" (Book Review), Lisa Cutforth-Anderson
Mason Jar, George Fox University Archives
Matchbox (empty), George Fox University Archives
Mathis' "The fabric of hope: An Irish family legacy" (Book Review), Rose Van Houten
Mattson's "Faith is Like Skydiving: And Other Memorable Images for Dialogue with Seekers and Skeptics, Amy C. Rice
Maurice Chandler and two others stand near flag, George Fox University Archives
Maurice Chandler at 1979 Faculty Staff Christmas, George Fox University Archives
Maximizing Institutional Archives with Limited Resources: A Case Study, Beth Arjona
May Day 1979 "Saturday in the Park", George Fox University Archives
May Day 1979 "Saturday in the Park", George Fox University Archives
McConnaughey - Maintenance, George Fox University Archives
McDill's "Twelve Essential Skills for Great Preaching" (Book Review), Gary R. Averill
McDonough's "Sarah’s surrender" (Book Review), Sherill L. Harriger
McFarland and Towns' "Ten Questions About Prayer Every Christian Must Answer", Noelle C. Keller
McHargue's "Finding God in the waves: How I lost my faith and found it again through science" (Critical Book Review), Kyle DiRoberts
McKee's "Get Your Teenager Talking: Everything You Need to Spark Meaningful Conversations" (Book Review), Jeffery S. Gates
McLarney's "St. Augustine's Interpretation of the Psalms of Ascent" (Book Review), Stefana Dan Laing
Meaning-Making as a Formational Pathway for Christian Adolescents, Timothy C. Prewette
Measuring Millennials: Teenage Idleness in the Digital Age, Victoria Freitag and Emma Newman
Medal, George Fox University Archives
Mehl's "All abuzz at the honey bee" (Book Review), Jeanette Parker
Melloni's "Vatican II: The Complete History" (Book Review), Yvonne Wilber
Membership Application: The Association of Christian Librarians
Men act shirtless on stage, George Fox University Archives
Mennonite COs Under the Russian Tsars (1787-1917), Lawrence Klippenstein
Men's Felt Hat, George Fox University Archives
Men's Felt Hat, George Fox University Archives
Men's Felt Hat, George Fox University Archives
Men's Track and Field, George Fox University Archives
Men's Wedding Suit Jacket, George Fox University Archives
Men's Wedding Suit Trousers, George Fox University Archives
Mentholatum Jar, George Fox University Archives
Metal Bucket, George Fox University Archives
Metal Canister, George Fox University Archives
Mexican Immigrant Parents' Beliefs and Practices Related to Literacy, Pamela M. Spurgeon
Mexico Trip 1972, George Fox University Archives
Mike Warmanen - Assistant Women's Basketball Coach - George Fox, George Fox University Archives
Miles' "A God of Many Understandings?: The Gospel and a Theology of Religions" (Book Review), Tiffany Pettis
Miles' "Your Life Still Counts: How God Uses Your Past to Create a Beautiful Future" (Book Review), Paul A. Roberts
Miller's "Choices of the heart" (Book Review), Noelle C. Keller
Miller's "Grace Finds Wings" A Journey in Song" (Book Review), Cynthia Hammell
Mindset Theory: Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs About Intelligence and Corresponding Pedagogical Decisions, Rachel Curtiss
Mind Your Calling, Arthur O. Roberts and George Fox University Archives
Miniature wooden snow shoes, George Fox University Archives
Ministry in a Good Way: A New Model for Native American Ministry, Randy Woodley
Ministry Resource Center: Access Through A Database-driven Website, Greg Sennema
Minnie Moore - Head Cook, George Fox University Archives
Missiological Imagination as a Pedagogical Tool: African and Asian Christians in Conversion, Benjamin Hartley
Mission: Agnes C. L. Donohugh, early "apostle for ethnography", Benjamin L. Hartley
Missional Communities: Why They Are Failing and How to Help Them Thrive, Matthew L. Murphy
Mitchell and Riley's "Christian Bioethics: A Guide for Pastors, Health Care Professionals, and Families" (Book Review), Becky Fisher
Mitchell and Seiden's "Reviewing the academic library: A guide to selfstudy and external review" (Book Review), Donald E. Day
Mitchell, Sanderson, and Thornbury's "Convictional Civility: Engaging the Culture in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of David S. Dockery" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
Mitchell's "Ethics and Moral Reasoning: A Student's Guide" (Book Review", Paul Hartog
Mitch Ratzlaff - Assistant Men's Basketball Coach, George Fox University Archives
M.L.S. or ABC? : A Christian Critique of Professionalism, Garrett Trott
Mohrlang's "Paul and His Life-Transforming Theology" (Book Review), Tami Echavarria Robinson
Monastic Traditions and Practices in Macedonia and Their Implications in Modern Times, Maja Angelovska-Panova
Moody's "Radical theology and emerging Christianity: Deconstruction, materialism, and religious practices" (Book Review), Craig Rosenbeck
Moore's "Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel" (Book Review), Charles Huckaby
Moran's "Making Marion: Where's Robin Hood When You Need Him?" (Book Review), Mary Ann Buhler
Moreau's "Effective Intercultural Communication: A Christian Perspectives" (Book Review), Paul B. Drake
More than True: ACL Conference 2013, Point Loma Nazarene University, Frank Quinn
Mortality and Conflict in the Developing World, Stephen Partin
Mosher and Marshall's "The Community of Believers: Christian and Muslim Perspectives" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
Mother-to-Mother: Creating A Peer Mentor Program for Mothers in Homelessness, Taylor D. Hartman
Mousetrap, George Fox University Archives
Mouw's "Called to the Life of the Mind: Some Advice for Evangelical Scholars" (Book Review), Joshua M. Avery
Moving Target: Academic Library Design and Services in Response to Evolving Technologies and Student Expectations, Linda Poston
Moynagh's "Being Church, Doing Life: Creating Gospel Communities Where Life Happens" (Book Review), Rory Patterson
Mrs. Mackey (Bertha) Hill; Library secretary, George Fox University Archives
Mrs. Mackey (Bertha) Hill; Library secretary, George Fox University Archives
Mrs. Teinskey and Peter Bermuda
Muhling's "T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Eschatology" (Book Review), Armand T. Ternak
Murphy's "Lisa Murphy on play: The foundation of children's learning" (Book Review), Rebekah Phillips
Murphy's "War's Ends: Human Rights, International Order, and the Ethics of Peace" (Book Review), Laura E. Walton
Musembe School: How One School and Surrounding Community was Transformed, Eloise Hockett
Mustard Plasters, George Fox University Archives
Mysticism and Revelation in John Woolman's Theology, Jon R. Kershner
Nail from Hoover Hall, George Fox University Archives
Naselli and Snoeberger's "Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement: Three Views" (Critical Review), Paul Hartog
Native American Educators and Their Leadership Roles on Reservations in the Northern Great Plains, Terry Huffman
Navigating the Assessment Current: Developing an Information Literacy Assessment Program, Kimberley Wilcox
Navigating the Information Highway: A Multilayered Approach for First-Year Graduate Students, Lana J. Wilson and Ashley N. Chu
Naylor's "Postcard's from the Middle East" (Book Review), Carrie Beth Lowe
Nettles' "Living by Revealed Truth: The Life and Pastoral Theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon" (Book Review), Robert Burgess
New Frontiers In Christian Fiction, LeAnne Hardy
New Frontiers In Collection Development Preparing To Meet New Standards, Gary R. Shook
News and Views: News from the Association of Christian Librarians, Alice Ruleman
News flash from August 30, 1943, George Fox University Archives
News flash from November 7, 1943, George Fox University Archives
News Flash January 2, 1944, George Fox University Archives
Newsletter April 1, 1944, George Fox University Archives
News letter from the Pearsons March 1, 1949, George Fox University Archives
Newsletter May 1945, George Fox University Archives
Newsletter November 5, 1944, George Fox University Archives
News & Views, Sandra Yaegle
Noise Maker, George Fox University Archives
Norming the Young Schema Questionnaire in the U.S., Elizabeth Di Francisco
Notes and Prayer requests 1953, George Fox University Archives
Notes from Preacher's conf. 1945, George Fox University Archives
Nothing Could Be Finer, Susan Watkins
Nowell's "Dirty Faith: Bringing the Love of Christ to the Least of These" (Book Review), Amy C. Rice
Nutmeg in Glass Bottle, George Fox University Archives
Oceans of Opportunity: ACL Conference 2012, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Steven L. Baker
Oeming, M., & Schmid, K.'s "Job’s journey: Stations of suffering" (Book Review), Deborah Hunt
Of Cats and Muslims: Reflections on David Johns' Quakering Theology, Stephen W. Angell
Ohrid Literary School in the Period of Tzar Samoil and the Beginnings of the Russian Church Literature, Gjorgi Pop-Atanasov
Oliphint's "Know why you believe" (Book Review), Mark Hanson
Olsen, Hudson, and Thompson's "Safe and Fun Playgrounds: A Handbook" (Book Review), Natalee Vick
Olson and Collins' "Reclaiming Pietism" (Book Review), Kristin A. Vargas
Olson's "The essentials of Christian thought: Seeing the world through the biblical story" (Book Review), Kyle DiRoberts
O'Malley's "God questions" (Book Review), Deborah R. Hunt
O'Malley's "The Jesuits: A History from Ignatius to the Present" (Book Review), Terry L. Christian
Ondov's "Heavenly horse stories: Inspirational stories from life in the saddle" (Book Review), Lisa Hayes
One actor holds hand up in air as other actor looks and listens, George Fox University Archives
Oops! Is That Legal? Answering Copyright Questions, Alice Baither Ruleman
Open Educational Resources: Expanding the Conversation Regarding Adoption and Use on a College Campus, Erin McCoy
Opstal's "The next worship: Glorifying god in a diverse world" (Critical Book Review), Lindsay Van Sicklen
Orchard's "A fool and his Monet: A Serena Jones mystery" (Book Review), Kathleen Kempa
Orchard's "Another day, Another Dali: A Serena Jones mystery" (Book Review), Kathleen Kempa
Orchard's "Over Maya dead body" (Book Review), Mary Ann Buhler
Ordway's "Not God's Type: An Atheist Academic lays down Her Arms" (Book Review), Hannah Bitner
Oregon Yearly Meeting Minutes 1918, George Fox University Archives
“Our Only Child Has Died” – A Study of Bereaved Older Chinese Parents, Yongqiang Zheng, Thomas R. Lawson, and Barbara Anderson Head
Outcalt's "The Other Jesus: Stories From World Religions" (Book Review), Lisa Fuller
Overcoming the Unique Spiritual Formation Challenges Experienced by Large-Church Staff, Scott Whaley
Pacific College Billed Cap, George Fox University Archives
Pacific College Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Pacific College Seal lapel pin, George Fox University Archives
Pacific College Uniform Top, George Fox University Archives
Pacific P Letter, George Fox University Archives
Pacific P Letter, George Fox University Archives
Packard and Hope's "Church Refugees: Sociologists Reveal Why People are DONE with Church but not their Faith" (Critical Review), Craighton Hippenhammer
Paicardo's "Funding ministry with five loaves and two fishes" (Book Review), Nancy Warwick
Pair of Baby Shoes, George Fox University Archives
Pair of Baby Shoes, George Fox University Archives
Panama Coin, George Fox University Archives
Paradoxes in Physical Health, Robert Crosnoe, Aida Ramos-Wada, and Claude Bonazzo
Park, Rah, and Tizon's "Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian North American Congregations" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
Partnering with Faculty through Liaison Activities, Linda Lambert, Tami Echevarria Robinson, and Bob Triplett
Passe's "Evaluating and Supporting Early Childhood Teachers" (Book Review), Diana Leibbrandt
Pastoral and Evangelical Applications (Chapter 9 from The Human Reflex), Rodger K. Bufford
Patron-Driven Acquisition Optimization and Workflows at Liberty University Jerry Falwell Library, Erin Crane and Lori Snyder
Patty Dunn - Student Life Secretary, George Fox University Archives
Paul Pearson's funeral book, George Fox University Archives
Paved with Good Intentions...Sometimes, Randy Woodley
Peer Review is here!, Anne-Elizabeth Powell
Pelikan's "Acts: Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible" (Book Review), Dennis Ingolfsland
Pelo's "The language of art: Inquiry-Based studio practices in early childhood settings" (Book Review), Grace Andrews
Pennington Overcoat, George Fox University Archives
Pennington Suit Coat with Tails, George Fox University Archives
Pennington Suit Pants, George Fox University Archives
Pennington Waistcoat, George Fox University Archives
Penny Drive for Missions, George Fox University Archives
People pose for a group photo, George Fox University Archives
Pep Band and P Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Perceptions from Athletic Training Students Involved in an Intentional Peer-Assisted Learning Pedagogy, Dana K. Bates
Perceptions from Graduates of Professional Athletic Training Programs Involved in Peer-Assisted Learning, Dana K. Bates
Perfume Bottle, George Fox University Archives
Perspectives on the Missiological Legacy of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, Richard L. Starcher, Philip C. Huber, J. Nelson Jennings, Benjamin Hartley, Stan Nussbaum, and William R. Burrows
Philadelphia Methodism Walking Tour, Benjamin Hartley
Phillips' "Dictionary of Debate and Public Speaking" (Book Review), Gary Fitsimmons
Plagiarism On The Internet, John Jaeger
Plank's "Discovering the culture of childhood" (Book Review), Cari Ryan
Plantinga's "Reading for Preaching: The Preacher in Conversation with Storytellers, Biographers, Poets, and Journalists" (Book Review), Steven Paschold
P Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Play On: The Use of Games in Libraries, Christa Hill
Police Use of Force with the Mentally ill, Chelsea Moore
Politically Correct Science: Why Johnny Can’t Read Scientific Creationism, Bart J. Stinson
Pope Benedict XVI, ed. Brown's "A Reason Open to God: On Universities, Education & Culture" (Book Review), John D. Laing
Powell's "Inconclusive Theologies: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Kierkegaard, and Theological Discourse" (Book Review), Lisa Cutforth-Anderson
Powers' "Parent engagement in early learning" (Book Review), Jennifer A. Rich
Practice of Behavior Therapy (Chapter 6 from The Human Reflex), Rodger K. Bufford
Pratt's "Don't panic: How to keep going when the going gets tough" (Book Review), Deborah Hunt
Pratt, Sills, and Walters' "Introduction to Global Missions" (Book Review), Georgianne Bordner
Pratt's "The Father of Modern Landmarkism: The Life of Ben M. Bogard" (Book Review), W. Terry Martin
Prayer Beads, George Fox University Archives
Praying about Forgiveness in Japanese, English, and beyond Words: Bilingualism as an Underexplored Resource for Christian Spiritual Formation, Andrea Lundquist Johnson
Preparing for ABHE Accreditation: Suggestions for Essential Elements 7 and 11, Carol Reid
Presenting a Plaque, Gene Hockett with Bernard (Bernie) (Baseball Coach) and Henrietta McGrath, George Fox University Archives
Preservice Teachers’ Algebraic Reasoning and Symbol Use on a Multistep Fraction Word Problem, Amanda Miller, Jennifer Tobias, Elif Safak, J. Vince Kirwan, Nicole Enzinger, Megan Wickstrom, and Jae Baek
Pre-service Teachers' Understandings About ELLs: One Pedagogical Tool for Identifying and Shifting Dispositions, Susanna M. Steeg and Amy Markos
President's Note, Donald D. Smeeton
President's Note, Steve L. Preston
President's Note, Steve L. Preston
Principles of Behavior Therapy and Behavior Modification (Chapter 5 from The Human Reflex), Rodger K. Bufford
Print Media vs. Digital Manifest Destiny, David Mash
Professional Tasks of Librarians: at Small Bible College Libraries, Jeff Gates
Psalm, Bill Jolliff
Public Company Health Insurers and Medical Loss Ratios: An Event Study of Dates Associated with the Affordable Care Act, Rachelle Quinn
Puckett's "Modern Pathfinders: Creating Better Research Guides" (Book Review), Jacob Gucker
Purchasing E-books: Considerations and Models for the Smaller Academic Library, Grace Veach
Purple Glass Bottle, George Fox University Archives
Quaker Bonnet, George Fox University Archives
Quaker Cove Scrapbook, George Fox University Archives
Quaker Doll Centerpiece, George Fox University Archives
Quaker Doll Centerpiece, George Fox University Archives
Quakers and Scripture, Howard R. Macy
Quarles' "Buried Hope or Risen Savior: The Search for the Jesus Tomb" (Book Review), Hannah Bitner
Quarles' "Illustrated life of Paul" (Book Review), Paul Roberts
Quarles' "Illustrated Life of Paul" (Book Review), Gary Fitsimmons
Quarles' "Illustrated Life of Paul" (Book Review), Tiffany Norris
Queen of Hearts and king stand next to each other; king looks at queen with odd facical expression, George Fox University Archives
Queen of Hearts stands and orders others around while king stands behind, George Fox University Archives
Quilt, George Fox University Archives
Quilt, George Fox University Archives
Qureshi's "Answering jihad: A better way forward" (Book Review), Carrie Beth Lowe
Qureshi's "Seeking Allah, finding Jesus: A devout Muslim encounters Christianity" (Book Review), Carrie Beth Lowe
Rag Doll, George Fox University Archives
Ramelli and Perkins' "Early Christian and Jewish Narrative: The Role of Religion in Shaping Narrative Form" (Book Review), Lisa Cutforth-Anderson
Rawlin Smith, Emily Smith and Mrs. Smith, George Fox University Archives
Reaching Out to the Faculty: Providing Subject-Specific Academic Resources, John Jaeger
Reaching the Unsaved through the Sunday School, Robert S. Bowers
Reading Beyond Our Comfort Zones, Melissa Moore
Reading, Writing and Power, John Allen Delivuk
Reclaming Compassion: How Compassion Moved from Virtue to Benefit, and How to Move it Back, Jon Talbert
Recommendations for Lay Leadership Training in Central Brazil, Ralph W. Wilde
Redirecting the International Church from an Oasis Paradigm to Missional Thought, Community and Practice, David W. Young
Rediscovering the Bible for Involvement and Insights for Spiritual Growth for the Restoration Church Member, John F. Woodward
Red Lantern, George Fox University Archives
Reference Librarianship and the Bible: Are Researchers Following God's Methods to Understand God's Book?, Brian W. Holda
Reference Revitalization and Roving Reference: Are the Reference Desk and Print Reference Sources Passé?, Tami E. Robinson, Bob Triplett, and Linda Lambert
Reflecting the Eternal: Dante's Divine Comedy in the Novels of C. S. Lewis (Book Review), Gary L. Tandy
Reflections from a Former Book Award Team Member, Lori Thornton
Reflections on Mentoring, Carol Reid
Reflections on the 2012 Oceans of Opportunity Conference, Bob Triplett and April VanPutten
Reflections on the 2013 Conference - "More Than True", Frank Quinn
Reflections on the Life of Father Alexsandr Men, Mark R. Elliott
Refreshing Your Philosophy of Servant Leadership: as a Christian Librarian, Nancy J. Olson
Regele's "Science, scripture, and same-sex love" (Book Review), James Sauer
Registration/Student Advising, George Fox University Archives
Registration/Student Advising, George Fox University Archives
Reid's "A dream of miracles" (Book Review), Christine Gaskin
Reid's "Sharing Jesus without freaking out: Evangelism the way you were born to do it" (Book Review), Rebekah Phillips
Reiss's "The 16 strivings for God: The new psychology of religious experiences" (Book Review), Lisa Fuller
Religion and Attitudes toward Same-Sex Marriage among U.S. Latinos, Christopher G. Ellison, Gabriel A. Acevedo, and Aida I. Ramos-Wada
Religious Accommodations for Sabbatarian Observance among Library Staff, Paul A. Hartog
Religious Identities in Southeastern Europe: Pomaks in Greece and Bulgaria: Behind the State Valance, Stefan Ubiparipović
Relocating Rhodies to new location by Wood Mar, George Fox University Archives
Relocating Rhodies to new location by Wood Mar, George Fox University Archives
Relocating Rhodies to new location by Wood Mar, George Fox University Archives
Remembering Bob Ellett, Georgianne Bordner
Remembering Ruth G. Butler, Doug Butler
Report of Frank Laubach December 21, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Resolving Student-to-Student Conflict in our School: The Effects of Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation on School Climate, Dottie Kamilos
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resource Reviews, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources Available for Review, Phyllis Fox
Resources on the Historical Study of Jesus, Dennis Ingolfsland
Resources on the Historical Study of Jesus - Ten Years Later, Dennis Ingolfsland
Resources Received, Phyllis Fox
Resources Received, Phyllis Fox
Resources Received, Phyllis Fox
Resources Received, Phyllis Fox
Resources Received, Phyllis Fox
Resources Received, Phyllis Fox
Response to Carole Spencer's and and Jon Kershner's Papers, Michael Birkel
Response to Reviews of Quakering Theology, David L. Johns
Restoration of the St. Clement’s Ohrid Archbishopric- Patriarchate as the Macedonian Orthodox Church and Ohrid Archbishopric, Aleksandar Trajanovski
Review of "A Faith for the Generations: How Collegiate Experience Impacts Faith" and "Emerging Adulthood and Faith", David M. Johnstone
Review of Akšamija's "Letter Pismo, Brief, List, Risālah", Paul Mojzes
Review of Berry's "Andy Catlett: Early Travels", Bill Jolliff
Review of Brink's "Invading Paradise: Esopus Settlers at War with Natives", Paul Otto
Review of Buchanan and Gellel's "Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools", Ken Badley
Review of Clabough's "Inhabiting Contemporary Southern and Appalachian Literature", Bill Jolliff
Review of Coe's "Eve's Mountain", Bill Jolliff
Review of Conway's "African Banjo Echoes in Appalachia: A Study of Folk Traditions", Bill Jolliff
Review of Depta's "The Helen Poems", Bill Jolliff
Review of Djurić's "Biblijom i Kur’anom do jednoga Boga stvoritelja [With the Bible and the Qur’an to the One Creator God]", Adnan Silajdžić
Review of Dunn's "The Mohicans and Their Land, 1609-1730", Paul Otto
Review of Flores' "God’s Gangs: Barrio Ministry, Masculinity, and Gang Recovery", Aida Ramos
Review of "Homeworks: A Book of Tennessee Writers", Bill Jolliff
Review of "Homeworks: A Book of Tennessee Writers", Bill Jolliff
Review of House's "Clay's Quilt", Bill Jolliff
Review of Howard's "God and the Atlantic: America, Europe, and the Religious Divide", Benjamin Hartley
Review of International Handbook of Research on Teachers' Beliefs, Ken Badley
Review of Kotiranta's "The Finnish and Estonian Churches during the Cold War", Paul Mojzes
Review of Krawchuk and Bremer's "Churches in the Ukrainian Crisis", Joseph Loya O.S.A.
Review of Kuburić's "The Self-Image of Adolescents in the Protestant Family", Radmila Radonjić
Review of Loewen's "No Permanent City: Stories from Mennonite History and Life", Bill Jolliff
Review of Lyon's "With a Hammer for my Heart", Bill Jolliff
Review of Makrides, Wasmuth, and Kube's "Christentum und Menschenrechte in Europa. Perspektiven und Debatten in Ost und West., Dr. Regina Elsner
Review of Marchand's "Restoring Rebecca: A Story of Traumatic Stress, Caregiving and the Unmasking of a Superhero", David M. Johnstone
Review of Marley's " Pirates and Engineers: Dutch and Flemish Adventurers in New Spain (1607-1697)", Paul Otto
Review of McFee's "That Was Oasis", Bill Jolliff
Review of Merwick's "The Shame and the Sorrow: Dutch-Amerindian Encounters in New Netherland", Paul Otto
Review of Ondrášek and Moďoroši's "Cirkev a spoločnosť: Smerom k zodpovednej angažovanosti [Church and Society: Towards Responsible Engagement]", David A. Escobar Arcay
Review of Pope-Levison's "Building the Old-Time Religion: Women Evangelists in the Progressive Era", Benjamin Hartley
Review of Powell's "Old and New Testaments", Bill Jolliff
Review of Quakering Theology by David L. Johns, Paul N. Anderson
Review of Quakering Theology by David L. Johns, Margery Post Abbott
Review of Rah's "Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times", David M. Johnstone
Review of Rash's "Eureka Mill", Bill Jolliff
Review of Rubio's "Icy Sparks", Bill Jolliff
Review of Songulashvili's "Evangelical Christian Baptists of Georgia: The History and Transformation of a Free Church Tradition", Walter Sawatsky
Review of Wright & Arthur's "Leadership in Christian Higher Education", David M. Johnstone
Review of York's "Cold Spring Rising", Bill Jolliff
Review of York's "Johnny Cosmology", Bill Jolliff
Revitalization of Assemblies of God Churches in Stagnation or Decline, Mark L. Merrill
RHEB1 Expression in Embryonic and Postnatal Mouse, Qi Tian, James L. Smart, Joachim H. Clement, Yingming Wang, Alex Derkatch, Harald Schubert, Michael V. Danilchik, Daniel L. Marks, and Lev M. Federov
Rich Allen, Head Coach Cross Country, George Fox University Archives
Rich Allen (PE/Track Coach), George Fox University Archives
Richo's "When Catholic Means Cosmic: Opening to a Big-Hearted Faith" (Book Review), Craig Rosenbeck
Rick Cruz, Men's Tennis Head Coach, George Fox University Archives
Riding the Technological Rapids with the Millennials, Alison R. Jones
Riley's "Got Religion? How Churches, Mosques and Synagogues Can Bring Young People Back" (Book Review), Amy Bessin
Road to the Restoration of the Ohrid Archbishopric, Dejan Borisov
Rob Cruz, Men's Tennis Coach, George Fox University Archives
Robinson and Batten's "Models for Biblical Preaching: Expository Sermons from the Old Testament" (Book Review), Rusty Tryon
Rolf A. and Karl N. Jacobson's "Invitation to the Psalms: A Reader's Guide for Discovery and Engagement" (Book Review), Robert Burgess
Ron Crecelius at Halloween Party, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius hands over folder, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius moves books and paper on desk, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius moves books and paper on desk, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius moves chair in office, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius sits at his desk, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius sits at table with globe, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius smiles at small piece of paper, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius speaks on stage, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius speaks on stage, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius stands in office decorated with sun and flowers, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius talks on the phone at his desk, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius talks on the phone at his desk, George Fox University Archives
Ron Crecelius talks with student, George Fox University Archives
Root and Neal's "The surprising imagination of C. S. Lewis" (Book Review), James L. Sauer
Roots, Routes, And Religion: Calling Playful Pilgrims To Follow The Way Of Jesus, Pamela Morse
Rosales' "Mathematizing: An Emergent Math Curriculum Approach for Young Children" (Book Review), Lori Thornton
Rossi's "Sharing Christ with the Dying: Bringing Hope to Those Near the End of Life" (Book Review), Becky Fisher and P. Gage Gwyn
Round Iron Markers, Bill Jolliff
Roy Durham - Maintenance, George Fox University Archives
Roy Hiebert "Grandpa Roy" - Physical Plant, George Fox University Archives
Roy Hiebert "Grandpa Roy" works at Physical Plant (plant services), George Fox University Archives
Roy Hiebert receiving from Don Millage, George Fox University Archives
Rubin's "The complete Jewish study Bible: Insights for Jews & Christians" (Book Review), Jill Botticelli
Rural Libraries of Romania, Libraries and the Information Infrastructure of Rural Romania, Mary Ann Buhler
Sabin's "Tending to Eden: Environmental Stewardship for God's People" (Book Review), Tami Echavarria Robinson
Same Titles, Different Formats: Does Print or Electronic Get More Use?, Alex Rolfe and Merrill Johnson
Sanders and Issler's "Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective" (Book Review), Brian W. Holda
Savary and Berne's "Teilhard de Chardin - Seven Stages of Suffering: A Spiritual Path for Transformation" (Book Review), Rebecca H. Givens
Sawyer's "Resurrecting the Trinity" (Book Review), Howard Merrell
Sayen's "The Cure for Divorce: In the Kingdom of God" (Book Review), John E. Palmer
Scarf, George Fox University Archives
Scene from a play; man walks down stairs; two men converse with hands together, George Fox University Archives
School-Based Transition Strategies: Student-Identified Factors that Lead to their Success, Michael Roberts
Schreiner's "Commentary on Hebrews: Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation" (Book Review), Mark Sloneker
Schreiner's "Faith alone: The doctrine of justification" (Book Review), Mark Hanson
Schroeder's "The Bible in Medieval Tradition: The Book of Genesis" (Book Review), Lisa Cutforth-Anderson
Schumacher's "A Trinitarian Anthropology: Adrienne von Speyr and Hans Urs von Balthasar in Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas" (Book Review), Yvonne Wilber
Screw Hooks, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Beth Gibson's Baby Shower, George Fox University Archives
Secretary Rachel Hinshaw, George Fox University Archives
Separating the Wheat From the Chaff: What's Really Important in Library Website Design?, Kimberley Stephenson
Serbian Jerusalem: Religious Nationalism, Globalization and the Invention of a Holy Land in Europe's Periphery, 1985-2017, Vjekoslav Perica
Sergi, Oeming, and de Hulsters' "In search for Aram and Israel: Politics, culture, and identity" (Book Review), Mary Ann Buhler
Serve Day 10th Anniversary T-Shirt, George Fox University Archives
Sewing Kit, George Fox University Archives
Seymour's "Teaching the Way of Jesus: Educating Christians for Faithful Living" (Book Review), Carmon Annetta Thomas
Shannons' "George Liele’s life and legacy: An unsung hero" (Book Review), Erin McCoy
Shawn McNay, Student Life, George Fox University Archives
Shaw's "Christianity: The biography, 2000 years of global history" (Book Review), Joseph Baumstarck
Shepherd's "Praying through Hard Times: Finding Strength in God's Presence" (Book Review), Karen Gallacci
Shining Light on Hidden Preferences: The Role of Religious Institutions in the 1989 Romanian Revolution, Justin Clardie
Shoes, George Fox University Archives
Short Kid Gloves, George Fox University Archives
Side profiles of women in a row, George Fox University Archives
Silk Handkerchief, George Fox University Archives
Simon, Simon, and Simon's "A Christian Passover in the Jewish Tradition" (Book Review), Tami Echavarria Robinson
Sinitiere's "Salvation with a smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American Christianity" (Book Review), Mark Tubbs
Sisal Basket, George Fox University Archives
Sleiman's "Dauntless" (Book Review), Cynthia Hammell
Slovakia’s New Religious Registration Law is a Step in the Wrong Direction, Lubomir Martin Ondrasek
Small China Dog, George Fox University Archives
small doll, George Fox University Archives
Small Felt P, George Fox University Archives
Small Glass, George Fox University Archives
Small Leather Brown Bag, George Fox University Archives
Small Library, Big Job, Carol Reid
Small Pencil, George Fox University Archives
Smith's "Developing a Biblical Worldview: Seeing Things God's Way" (Book Review), Paul Roberts
Smith's "Doctrine that Dances: Bringing Doctrinal Preaching and Teaching to Life" (Book Review), Sherill L. Harriger
Smith's "How (Not) to Be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor" (Book Review), John E. Shaffett
Smith's "Poetic Heroes: Literary Commemorations of Warriors and Warrior Culture in the Early Biblical World" (Book Review), Brian R. Doak
Smith's "The Testing of God's Sons: The Refining of Faith as a Biblical Theme" (Book Review), Linda Poston
Sobel's "Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens: The Handbook for Outdoor Learning" (Book Review), Lori Thornton
Social, Cognitive, and Teaching Presence: Impact on Hybrid and Online Graduate-Level Educational Experience and Retention, Kristi Wheaton
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Functioning for Transitional-Aged Youth with Autism, Tyson Dee William Payne
Soloing with Friends, Jeannie Ferriss
Soloing with Friends, Cari Ryan
Soloing with Friends, Jeannie Ferriss
Soloing with Friends, Jeannie Ferriss
Soloing with Friends, Jeannie Ferriss
Solving the Reference Dilemma, Mick Williams
Sookhdeo's "Unmasking Islamic State: Revealing Their Motivation, Theology and End Time Predictions" (Book Review), John D. Laing
Soul Cry of the Aymara February 15, 1942, George Fox University Archives
Southerman's "How God got Mary pregnant: And why he needed her" (Book Review), Gary Peterson
Sparks, Soerens, and Friesen's "The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community" (Book Review), Tami Echavarria Robinson
Spiritual Direction with Children the Next Natural Step in the Christian Historical Progression of Children's Spiritual Formation, Lacy Finn Borgo
Spiritual Literacy: a New Concept for a New Reality, Felicia A. Smith
Spiritual Renovation through Accountability: A Contemporary Look at John Wesley's Class Meeting and his Admonition to Watch over one Another in Love, Robert Marshall
Split Labor Markets in International Schools: Perceptions of Fairness Among Local-Hire Teachers, Rose Tyvand
Sports Award Banquet, George Fox University Archives
Staff (Chaplain) Ron Crecelius, George Fox University Archives
Staff member poses for portrait, George Fox University Archives
State of the Mobile Landscape: Mobile Literacy and What It Means for Libraries, Robin M. Ashford and Laura Zeigen
Stephakoff's "One God" (Book Review), Tami Echavarria Robinson
Stevens' "Aging matters: Finding your calling for the rest of your life" (Book Review), Tami Robinson
"St. Naum of Ohrid" Macedonian Orthodox Church Community in Triengen, Switzerland (1992-2017), Aco Girevski
Stockings, George Fox University Archives
Stories from Thirty Years of "Celebration of Discipline", Howard R. Macy
Story and Schuchmann's " When God doesn’t fix it: Lessons you never wanted to learn, truths you can’t live without" (Book Review), Lindsay Van Sicklen
Stott's "Basic introduction to the New Testament" (Book Review), Michael Bain
Stott's "Confess your sins: The way of reconciliation" (Book Review), Kyle DiRoberts
Stott's "The Challenge of Preaching" (Book Review), Dale R. Jensen
Stott's "The grace of giving" and Wright's "The gift of accountability" (Book Review), Paul Roberts
Strategies to Support Open Educational Resources for Student Success: Case Examples from Oregon, Robin M. Ashford
Straw Hat, George Fox University Archives
Street scene from construction site
Strivens' "Philip Doddridge and the shaping of evangelical dissent" (Book Review), Paul Hartog
Strobel's " The ecumenical Edwards: Jonathan Edwards and the theologians" (Book Review), Jeremy Labosier
Struggling Libraries Survey, The TCL Editorial Team
Stuart Richey - Maintenance, and Violet Richey, George Fox University Archives
Student Affairs Reconsidered: A Look Back, a Response to Barry Loy, David M. Johnstone
Student Life - Drama, George Fox University Archives
Students act in a performance, George Fox University Archives
Students act in a performance, George Fox University Archives
Students act in a performance, George Fox University Archives
Students act in a performance, George Fox University Archives
Students act in a performance, George Fox University Archives
Students act in a performance, George Fox University Archives
Students act out their parts in a performance, George Fox University Archives
Students act with chains on arms, George Fox University Archives
Students dance; backrow men hold women in arms, frontrow men kneel with arms out, George Fox University Archives
Students dressed up; put right arms in the air in lines, George Fox University Archives
Students jump in air with legs apart, George Fox University Archives
Students perform in comical performance, George Fox University Archives
Student Voice: Perceptions of Teacher Expectations Among First and Second Generation Vietnamese and Mexican Students, Sara Gandarilla
Student Worker Experience Making It Meaningful For Today & Tomorrow, Roundtable Discussion, Lindsay L. Van Sicklen
Study Guide for C. S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity", Kerry Irish
Study Guide for Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Life Together", Kerry Irish
Study Guide for Skeel’s "True Paradox: How Christianity Makes Sense of Our Complex World", Kerry Irish
Stuti Prakash, George Fox University Archives
Stutzman's "Biking Across America: My Coast-to-Coast Adventure and the People I Met Along the Way" (Book Review), Robbie Bolton
Subject Specific Information Literacy Curriculum and Assessment, Sis Jesse, D.Phil., D.Min.
Subtraction involving negative numbers: Connecting to whole number reasoning, Laura Bofferding and Nicole Wessman-Enzinger
Successful Libraries Survey, The TCL Editorial Team
Sudin's "Anchor in the storm" (Book Review), Sherill L. Harriger
Susie McCarty sits at her desk, George Fox University Archives
Susie McCarty sits at her desk, George Fox University Archives
Susie McCarty sits at her desk, George Fox University Archives
Susie McCarty sits at her desk, George Fox University Archives
Susie McCarty sits at her desk, George Fox University Archives
Susie McCarty sits at her desk, George Fox University Archives
Sweet's "Me and we: God’s new social gospel" (Book Review), Craighton Hippenhammer
Systematic Theology and Spiritual Formation: Recovering Obscured Unities, Jeannine Graham
Table Cloth, George Fox University Archives
Tarrech, Barclay, and Frey's "The Last Years of Paul: Essays from the Tarragona Conference, June 2013" (Book Review), Mark C. Tubbs
Taylor and Weirs' "Women in the story of Jesus: The gospels through the eyes of nineteenth-century female Biblical interpreters" (Book Review), Kathleen Kempa
Teacher Characteristics and Student Achievement in Mathematics in International Schools, Michael Arcidiacono
Teaching Library History: Engaging the Academic Community, Ben Brick
Techniques for Providing Outstanding Customer Service, Dr. Ray L. Morrison
Telephone, George Fox University Archives
Ten Elshof's "Confucius for Christians: What An Ancient Chinese Worldview Can Teach Us About Life In Christ" (Book Review), Rebecca H. Givens
Terry Haskell - Coach, George Fox University Archives
Thanks, Anne-Elizabeth Powell
That ‘Awful Rowing Toward God’: Anxiety in the Early Poems of Walt McDonald, Bill Jolliff
Thayer's "The King's Hand" (Book Review), Sherill L. Harriger
Thayer's "The Traitor's Heir" (Book Review), Sherill L. Harriger
The Basic Conflicts of Christianity Versus Communism, James W. Zottnick
The Beginnings of a Small Ethiopian, Organizational Leadership Library Collaborative, Evelyn Shimazu Yee
"The Best-Selling Bibles: What Librarians Need to Know", Stephanie P. Livengood
The Bible against War, Amos Dresser
The Biblical Basis of God's Demand for Holiness, Delmer Ransdell
The Bultmannian Engima -- An Investigation into the Concept of Demythologization, Carlton Llewellyn Williams
"The California gold rush romance collection" (Book Review), Christine S. Gaskin
The Care and Feeding of Library Student Assistants, Gregory A. Martin
The Christian Academic Librarian in the Technological Society, David B. Malone
The Christian Periodical Index, ACL’s Longest Service Project, Barbara Nelson
The Christy Award: Excellence In Christian Fiction, An Annotated Bibliography, Rachel Schwedt
"The Classroom Is Not Enough..." The Reason for Residence Life on a Christian Liberal Arts Campus, David M. Johnstone
The Communal Dimensions of Birthing Imagery in Paul's Epistles, Mary K. Schmitt
The Community of Faith as the Locus of Faith-Learning Integration, Ken Badley
The Concept of Perfection as Held by Early Friends, Paul J. Pickett
The Deacon: Ministry through Words of Faith and Acts of Love, Benjamin Hartley and Paul E. Van Buren
The Director of Christian Education in the Local Church, Vernon R. Kraft
The Doctrine of Inspiration of Scripture as Affected by the Johannine-Synoptic Problem, Charles Morgan
The Early Quaker Doctrine of Communion in the Light of the New Testament, Mahlon Leroy
The Ecological Gift of Spiritual Formation: A Renewal for Healthy Clergy, Jody Becker
The Effect of Library Orientation on Library Knowledge, Lilli-Anna Baca
The Effects of Grace on Self-Forgiveness with a Religious Community, Laura Geczy-Haskins
The Effects of Trauma on Adjustment to College for Children of Missionaries, Melissa J. Winfield
The Efficacy of Late Antique Spiritual Practices for Family-Based Adolescent Faith Formation, Kevin M. Young
The End of HTTP and the Library Website: The Growing Need for HTTPS in Library Services, Michael Wells
The Established and the Unfolding Tension: A Resonance of Renewal for the Church of the Nazarene, Nathan Michael Roskam
The Evolving Role of Information Literacy in Higher Education: A Case Study, Linda Poston
The Extent and Influences of the Holiness Revival in America, 1860-1900, Robert D. Bletscher
The Face of ACL in 2010, Linda Poston
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Librarianship, Garrett Trott
"The Forgiveness Handbook: Spiritual Wisdom and Practice for the Journey to Freedom, Healing and Peace" (Book Review), Deborah L. Denison
The G. Allen Fleece Library Goes to Prison, Jo Ann Rhodes
The “Genius” of Reference Service: A Threefold Framework as a Simple Assessment Tool, Paul Hartog
The Giant in a Thousand Years: Tracing Narratives of Gigantism in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond, Brian R. Doak
The Growth of the Christian Church (Chapter 2 of "Expressions of Faith"), Ken Badley, Dana Antayá-Moore, and Amy Kostelyk
"The Harmony Way:" Integrating Indigenous Values Within Native North American Theology and Mission, Randy Woodley
The Impact of the Christian Faith on Library Service, Stanford Tehune
The Importance of Digitization in Teaching-Oriented University and College Libraries, Craighton Hippenhammer
The Importance of Library: Outreach Opportunities for the Christian Librarian, Dora Wagner
The Indispensability of the Holy Scriptures, Clarence E. Knoepfle
The In-Service Training of Sunday School Personnel, Walter J. Schott
The Minister's Relationship to the Mentally Ill, Richard Tusant, Jr.
The New Testament Teaching on the Doctrine of Entire Sanctification as a Second Crisis Experience, Dean W. Strong
The Next Generation: Mentoring, Recruitment and Library Education, Em Claire Knowles
The Nine Commandments, J. Ray Doerksen
The Odyssey of Archbishop Gavril’s Translation of the Bible, Marija Girevska
The Operation of the Holy Spirit as Revealed in the book of the Acts, Walter Sauer
The Orthodox Church and Religious Minorities in Shida Kartli Region in Georgia in the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century, Giorgi Sosiashvili, PhD
The Pastor's Relation to the Sunday School in the Oregon's Yearly Meeting of Friends, Leroy Myers
The Pastor's Responsibility in Training the Sunday School Superintendent, Delbert M. Keller
The Philosophies and Procedures in Church Camps, David G. White
The Pixel Frontier: Electronic Books Twenty-first Century In The Library, Lori Thornton
The Power of Community: How Foster Parents, Teachers, and Community Members Support Academic Achievement for Foster Youth, Brenda Morton
The Power of Encouragement: The Role of Christian Academic Librarians in Supporting the Whole Student, Earleen J. Warner
The Problem and Prospect of Getting Information Literacy into the Academy: Keynote Address for the Annual Conference of the Association of Christian Librarians, June 11, 2013, Tami Echavarria Robinson
The Promise and Reality of Indian Self Determination, Patricia Hornback
The Relationship between Gratitude and Health Behaviors, Jacob Lowen
The Relationship Between Sexual Objectification, Body Image, Activity Monitoring, and Compulsive Exercise, Christina Tuning
The Relationship of Certain Terms to the Doctrine of Original Sin, Robert L. Smith
The Relative Influences of Climate and Competition on Tree Growth along Montane Ecotones in the Rocky Mountains, Paige E. Copenhaver-Parry and Ellie Cannon
The Restoration-Focused Church, David Ralph
The Resurrection as taught by early Friends, Cyrus W. Harvey
The Rule of St. Benedict Contextualized for Southeastern University, James C. Owen
The Searchers' Point of View: Learning to Do Library Research, Tami Robinson
The Seeker, Bill Jolliff
The Significance of the Philosophy-Method Relationship in Contemporary Catholic Education, Marvin Walz
The Simple Math of Writing Well: Writing for the 21st Century, Jennie A. Harrop
The Story Pastor: A Faithful and Fruitful Identity for Pastors, Jordan Rimmer
The Study of Brokenness as a Critical Success Factor in the Effective Leadership of the Pastor, Robert Thompson
The Study of the Problem of Teaching Christian Moral Behavior, Lester A. Wetzstein
The sustaining possibilities of service-learning engagements, Carla Nelsona, Dana Antaya-Mooreb, Ken Badley, and Wendy Colemand
The Teaching of John Wesley Concerning the Mediatorial Kingdom of God, Charles Stephen Waite
The Theology of Self-Surrender in the Writings of E. Stanley Jones, Varghese M. Kattapuram
The Thousand-Year Spiritual Tradition of Lesnovo Monastery in Macedonia, Ilija Velev
The Trial of Pilate - A Touchstone to the Death of Jesus, Paul N. Anderson
The Unique Role of Ethnic Identity in the Resilience of Korean Transracial Adoptees, Sue Han
The Unquiet History of the Jessie C. Eury Library, Robert Lowery
Thinking Beyond the Scroll: The Ancient Library at Alexandria, Gerald Franz, PhD
Thiselton's "Doubt, faith, and certainty" (Book Review), Craig Rosenbeck
Thomas and Sosin's "Therapeutic Expedition: Equipping the Christian Counselor for the Journey" (Book Review), Gary R. Averill
Thompson's "The Church According to Paul" (Book Review), Carmon Annetta Thomas
Thompson's "The virtual body of Christ in a suffering world" (Book Review), Deborah McConkey
Thoughts on the Importance of Attending Church, Kerry Irish
Thread Box, George Fox University Archives
Thread Box, George Fox University Archives
Thread Box, George Fox University Archives
Three men act in performance, George Fox University Archives
Tillamook School District / George Fox University Collaborative Partnership: An Immersion Practicum in a Rural School District, Saurra Heide
Tolkien and Tolkien's "Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary Together with Sellic Spell" (Book Review), Robert Burgess
Tom F. Johnson, George Fox University Archives
Topaz Stone, George Fox University Archives
Top Ten Reasons to Come to Florida in 2012: (Besides the ACL Conference), Bob Triplett
Toward an Improved Conceptual Understanding of North American Tree Species Distributions, Paige E. Copenhaver-Parry
Towards a Conceptual Map of Academic Libraries' Role in Student Retention, Seth Allen
Toy Baby Bottle, George Fox University Archives
Toy Mirror, George Fox University Archives
toy muffin tin, George Fox University Archives
Toy Skillet, George Fox University Archives
Toy Top, George Fox University Archives
Toy Train Engines (Glass), George Fox University Archives
Track Coach Rich Allen, George Fox University Archives
Trainer Frank Kyte bandages student's ankles, George Fox University Archives
Trainer Frank Kyte helps student Gayle Beebe, George Fox University Archives
Treating Chronic Pain at a Federally Qualified Health Center: Staff Perspectives, Nathan K. Goins
TREN Dissertations at Crown College, Nathan Fritz, Ann Reynolds, and Dennis Ingolfsland
Trigg's "Beyond Matter: Why Science Needs Metaphysics" (Book Review), John D. Laing
Trip to Montana to "Camp on the Boulder" - Big Timber "ECNA", George Fox University Archives
Trip to Montana to "Camp on the Boulder" - Big Timber "ECNA", George Fox University Archives
Trueman's "Grace alone: Salvation as a gift of God" (Book Review), Robert Lancaster
Truesday's "Square peg: Why Wesleyans aren’t fundamentalists" (Book Review), Craighton Hippenhammer
Tucker's "The end of the island: Finding life in the movements of human suffering, pain, and loss" (Book Review), T-Ann Currie
Tune's "God's Graffiti: Inspiring Stories for Teens" (Book Review), Deborah L. Denison
Turmeric (spice), George Fox University Archives
Turner's "Imagine: A vision for Christians in the arts" (Book Review), Elizabeth Pearson
"Tutorials: Resource Instruction for Distance Learners", Pamela Greenlee
Tweedledee and Tweedledum stand with arms around eachother's shoulders, George Fox University Archives
Two actresses smile together, George Fox University Archives
Two Korean Dolls, George Fox University Archives
Two male actors sit on floor, George Fox University Archives
Two men act, one looks surprised, George Fox University Archives
Two men are recorded in conversation on television, George Fox University Archives
Two men perform an act on stage, George Fox University Archives
Two women sip coffee at table together, George Fox University Archives
Tyson's "The Way of the Wesley's: A Short Introduction" (Book Review), Bruce Flanders
Understanding the Process Small Businesses Use to Capture, Convert, and Integrate Survival Knowledge, Frank Marshall
United Bible Societies and the Macedonian Bible: Fifty Years of the Renewal of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric, Aco A. Girevski
Unto Edification: A Quarter Century of The Christian Librarian, Ron Jordahl
Use of Illustrative Materials in the Young People's Department of the Church, Arthur W. Binford
Using Library Events and Programs to Reach Out to Patrons, Robert Lee Burgess
Using Prezi as a Library Instruction Tool, Amy James
Using Your Library’s Objectives as the Organizational Framework for Library Documentation in Planning, Assessment, and Accreditation, Jennifer S. Ewing and Ruth E. Martin
Utilizing Online Software for Surveys, Alice B. Ruleman
Utter's "The Religious Right: A reference handbook" (Book Review), Armand T. Ternak
Vacario's "100 illustrated Bible verses: Inspiring words. Beautiful art" (Book Review), Cynorra Jackson
VanDrunen's "God’s glory alone: The majestic heart of Christian faith and life" (Book Review), Mark Tubbs
Van Opstal's "The Next worship: Glorifying God in a diverse world" (Book Review), Lindsay Van Sicklen
Vantage Point: Using Narrative and Discourse Analysis of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount to Improve Discipleship Outcomes, David J. Swisher
Veatch and Ross's "Transplantation Ethics" (Book Review), John D. Laing
Vern Bagley - Physical Plant, George Fox University Archives
Vern Bagley - Physical Plant, George Fox University Archives
Vetere's "By the power of God: Living the true Christian life" (Book Review), Craig Rosenbeck
Vetsch, Barratt, Davis, Gywn, McDonough, Meyer, and Seilstads' "Seven brides for seven Texans romance collection" (Book Review), Pamela Whitmire
View from CLC, Elizabeth Werner
Views of the Cross, Jeannie Ferriss
Virginia Millage - Wife of Don, George Fox University Archives
Vital Role of Religion in the Calamitous World of Today, Jovan Kovačić
Vollandt's "Arabic versions of the Pentateuch: A comparative study of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim sources" (Book Review), Lisa Cutforth-Anderson
Waggoner and Herndon's "Starting with Character: Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos" (Book Review), Cathie L. Chatmon
Walter Lee - Business Manager, George Fox University Archives
Warm-up Jacket, George Fox University Archives
Watkins' "Patent trolls: Predatory litigation and the smothering of innovation" (Book Review), Judson L. Strain
Watson's "Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton: Eighteenth-Century British-Baptist, Woman Theologian, Volume 7: Words of Grace" (Book Review), Leslie R. Starasta
Weaver's "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world: Finding intimacy with God in the busyness of life" (Book Review), Julie Ellis
Webb's "The listening book: The soul painting & other stories" (Book Review), Deborah McConkey
Webb's "The second listening book: Loaded question & other stories" (Book Review), Deborah McConkey
Webster's "Table Grace: The Role of Hospitality in the Christian Life" (Book Review), Lisa B. Hays
Wedding Dress, George Fox University Archives
Wedding Dress Top Piece, George Fox University Archives
Wedding Pillow, George Fox University Archives
Weeding the Circulating Collection at Bailey Library, Mick Williams MA, MLS
Wegley's "Chasing freedom" (Book Review), Gary Fitsimmons
Wellum's "Christ alone - the uniqueness of Jesus as savior" (Book Review), Jon Jones
Wendell and Miller's "Torah ethics and early Christian identity" (Book Review), Elijah Hosse
Wertheimer's "Faith Ed.: Teaching About Religion in an Age of Intolerance" (Book Review), Gary Sehorn Dr.
Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library Becomes a Reality, Rodney Birch and Jane Scott
What About an Information Literacy Chapel?, Gerald Franz Ph.D.
What ACL Means to Me, Alan Cappella
What ACL Means to Me, John E. Shaffett
What ACL Means to Me, Edythe Feazel
What ACL Means to Me, Bob Triplett
What ACL Means to Me, Tami Echavarria Robinson
What Do Meatpackers & Librarians Have in Common? Library Related Injuries and Possible Solutions, Robert E. Kaehr
What's a Librarian to Do? Literature Review: The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Robert E. Kaehr
What's in a Word? Diakonia and Deacons in the Bible and Today, Benjamin Hartley
What You Need to Know about the New ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: A Summary, Tami Echavarria Robinson
Wheeler and Whaley's "The Great Commission to Worship: Biblical Principles for Worship-Based Evangelism" (Book Review), Gary Fitsimmons
When Conflict Crosses Cultural Lines: How Culture Informs Conflict, Joel Perez and David M. Johnstone
When God Builds a House, Carol Reid
When Women Faculty Write: The Power of Community in Scholarship, Eloise Hockett and Brenda Morton
White Apron, George Fox University Archives
White Baby Dress, George Fox University Archives
White Bucket, George Fox University Archives
White Cotton Baby Dress, George Fox University Archives
White Cotton Baby Dress, George Fox University Archives
White Cotton Petticoat, George Fox University Archives
White Nightgown, George Fox University Archives
White Petticoat, George Fox University Archives
White's "Brief Christian Histories: Getting a Sense for Our Long Story" (Book Review), Gary G. Merriman
White Scarf, George Fox University Archives
White Sleeveless Baby Dress, George Fox University Archives
White Women's Hat, George Fox University Archives
Who Wants to Have a Career in Science or Math? Exploring Adolescents’ Future Aspirations by Gender and Race/Ethnicity, Catherine Riegle-Crumb, Chelsea Moore, and Aida Ramos-Wada
Why “Good” Followers Go “Bad”: The Power of Moral Disengagement, Craig E. Johnson
Why the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education Enhances Information Literacy Instruction, Kathy Kempa
Wildenberg's "Messy journey: How grace & truth offer the prodigal a way home" (Book Review), Susan Casstevens
Wilder, Brand, Chester, Osborne, and Seifrid's "Perspectives on Our Struggle with Sin: Three Views of Romans 7" (Book Review), Dale R. Jensen
Wilder's "Perspectives on Our Struggle with Sin: Three Views of Romans 7" (Book Review), Dorothy J. Smith
Wilken's "The Christian roots of religious freedom" (Book Review), Paul Hartog
Williams' "Being disciples: Essentials of the Christian life" (Book Review), Robert Lancaster
Williams' "Deeper magic: The theology behind the writings of C.S. Lewis" (Book Review), Kristin Vargas
Williams' "God's hand in my 'one': Looking back at the master's plan..." (Book Review), Jean Waldrop
Williams, L. (2016). Emblem of faith untouched: A short life of Thomas Cranmer" (Book Review), Joshua Avery
William Tyndale as an Evangelical Theologian, Donald Dean Smeeton Ph.D.
Wilson's "Does Altruism Exist? Cultures, Genes, and the Welfare of Others" (Book Review), Lisa Cutforth-Anderson
Wilson's "Exploring our Hebraic Heritage: A Christian Theology of Roots and Renewal" (Book Review), Jacob Gucker
Wilson's "More: Find your personal calling and live life to the fullest measure" (Book Review), Amy C. Rice
Witherington's "Making a Meal of It: Rethinking the Theology of the Lord's Supper" (Book Review), Jeremy McGinniss
Witherington's "The rest of life: Rest, play, eating, studying, sex from a Kingdom perspective" (Book Review), Kathleen Kempa
Witt and Richards' "The Hobbit Party: The Vision of Freedom That Tolkien Got, and the West Forgot" (Book Review), Robert Burgess
Wolterstorff's "The God We Worship: An Exploration of Liturgical Theology" (Book Review), Bruce Flanders
Wolverton's "Cosmas of Prague: Narrative, Classicism, Politics" (Book Review), Mary Ann Buhler
Woman and man with top hat stand and read a book, George Fox University Archives
Woman bends down to wipe down young boy; man stands nearby, George Fox University Archives
Woman in black stands next to chair with cane, George Fox University Archives
Woman performs ventriloquism, George Fox University Archives
Woman puts hand on man's shoulder, who is sitting at a desk, George Fox University Archives
Woman shakes hands with man in top hat, George Fox University Archives
Women's Cap, George Fox University Archives
Women's Cape, George Fox University Archives
Women's Felt Hat, George Fox University Archives
Women's Green Silk Bonnet, George Fox University Archives
Women's Hat, George Fox University Archives
Women's High Top Shoes, George Fox University Archives
Women's Shoes, George Fox University Archives
Women WWA Patch, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Box, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Box, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Carving, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Carving, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Carving of a Drummer, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Clothespins, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Clothespins, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Clothespins, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Hat Stretcher, George Fox University Archives
Wooden Mask, George Fox University Archives
Wool Blanket, George Fox University Archives
Woven Basket, George Fox University Archives
Woven Basket, George Fox University Archives
"Written For Our Instruction" Professional Ancestors Who Integrated Faith And Practice, Donald G. Davis Jr. and John Mark Taylor
Written with the Finger of God: Divine and Human Writing in Exodus, Brian R. Doak
WWJP: "Where Would Jesus Publish?", C. William Gee
Yaghjian's "Writing theology well: A rhetoric for theological and biblical writers" (Book Review), Mark Tubbs
Yarnell's "God the trinity: Biblical portraits" (Book Review), Charles Huckaby
Yarnell's "The Formation of Christian Doctrine" (Book Review), Terry L. Christian
Yohannan's "Revolution in World Missions: One Man's Mission to Change a Generation" (Book Review), Stanford Terhune
York's "Roots and wings" (Book Review), W. Terry Martin
Young actor holds object while older actor assists, George Fox University Archives
Yount's "The Teaching Ministry of the Church" (Book Review), Shelia Gaines
You Want Coffee with That? Revisiting the Library as Place, Shelia Gaines
Ytreeide's "Ishtar's Odyssey: A Family Story for Advent" (Book Review), Deborah McConkey
Ytreeide's "Ishtar’s odyssey: A family story for advent" (Book Review), Lisa Fuller
YWCA Lapel Pin, George Fox University Archives
Zakaria's "In Defense of a Liberal Education" (Book Review), Mark E. Roberts