Volume 63, Issue 1 (2020)
Letter from the Editor
Garrett Trott
The Y-Factor What Others Do Not Do
Jeffery S. Gates
Flying Solo
Renee D. Carey, Jon Jones, Laura M. Ladwig, J. James Mancuso, and Deborah H. McConkey
Long and Sawyers' "The Bible in music: A Dictionary of songs, works, and more" (book review)
Timothy L. Skinner
Gulliford's "Can I tell you about hope?: A helpful introduction for everyone" (book review)
Shannon Hawkins
Keener's " Christobiography: Memories, history, and the reliability of the Gospels" (book review)
Jeff Gates
Carlson's "Courting Mr. Emerson" (book review)
Gary R. Averill
Gordon-Lennox's "Crafting meaningful wedding rituals: A practical guide" (book review)
Elizabeth A. Nolan
Deal's "Daily encouragement for the smart stepfamily" (book review)
Elizabeth A. Nolan
Park's "Develop intercultural competence: How to lead cross-racial and cross- cultural churches" (book review)
Rory Patterson
Powe and Jacksons' "E. Stanley Jones & Sharing the Good News in a Pluralistic Society" (book review)
Chip Wiley
Matthews' "Ethical Questions in Healthcare Chaplaincy: Learning to Make Informed Decision" (book review)
Armand Ternak
Fitchett, White, and Lyndes "Evidence-Based healthcare chaplaincy: A research reader" (book review)
Armand Ternak
Gallagher and Herberts' "Faith and ethics in health and social care: Improving practice through understanding diverse perspectives" (book review)
Bethany A. Herrod
Taylor's "Glimpses of the new creation: Worship and the formative power of the arts" (book review)
Paul Hartog
Keller and Kellers' "God’s wisdom for navigating life: A year of daily devotions in the book of Proverb" (book review)
Timothy Skinner
Wells and Wrights' "Homeless for the Holidays" (book review)
Nathanael Davis
Alloway's "How can I remember all that? Simple stuff to improve your working memory" (book review)
Craighton Hippenhammer
Deininger and Orbelinas' "Leadership in theological education: Volume 3: Foundations for faculty development" (book review)
Randall L. McKinion
Stoddard's "Method today: Redescribing approaches to the study of religion" (book review)
James Sauer
McNall's "The mosaic of atonement: An integrated approach to christ’s work" (book review)
Steve Emerson
Sigg's "Mud Boy: A story about bullying" (book review)
Nathanael Davis
Pike and Attwoods' "Neurodiverse relationships: Autistic and neurotypical partners share their experiences" (book review)
Jaclyn Lee Parrott
Rieger's "No religion but social religion: Liberating Wesleyan theology" (book review)
Julie E. Sweeney
Wegley's "No true justice" (book review)
Elizabeth K. Parish
Tyson's "Praying with the Wesleys: Foundations of methodist spirituality" (book review)
Craighton Hippenhammer
Burkholder and Elliotts' "Quick and easy guide to United Methodist polity" (book review)
Craighton Hippenhammer
Shanti's "The recovery mama guide to your eating disorder recovery in pregnancy and postpartum" (book review)
Elizabeth A. Nolan
Gabhart's "The refuge" (book review)
Cathie Chatmon
Huebner's "Something bad happened: A kid’s guide to coping with events in the news" (book review)
Juliana Morley
Behers' "Spiritual care for people living with dementia using multisensory interventions: A practical guide for chaplains" (book review)
Craighton Hippenhammer
Mabry's "Surgeon’s choice" (book review)
Georgianne Bordner
Macdonald's "Teen substance use, mental health and body image: Practical strategies for support" (book review)
Jessica Shuck
Brake and Beachs' "They called him Yeshua: The story of the young Jesus" (book review)
Cathie Chatmon
Long's "Truth telling in a post-truth world" (book review)
Julie E. Sweeney
Gustafson's "An unpresentable glory" (book review)
Deborah McConkey
Thomas' "Voices from captivity: incarceration from Siberia to Guantanamo Bay" (book review)
John Jaeger
Young's "Abigail’s story: Biblical wisdom from a woman of strength and faith" (book review)
Cynthia Hammell
Calico's "Being Viking: Heathenism in contemporary America" (book review)
Samuel S. Richardson