Volume 66, Issue 1 (2023)
Refereed Articles
Could Ernest Boyer’s Foundational Perspective of the Scholarship of Teaching Help Save Faculty Librarians?
Douglas Wayman
General Articles
Indexes: The Heart of Research
Laura M. Ladwig, Jamey M. Wilkes, Lori Thornton, and Sarah Wessel
Fiction Review
Review of "Persuasive apologetics: The art of handling tough questions without pushing people away"
Arianna Dahlia
Review of "Divine love theory: How the trinity is the source and foundation of morality"
Jaclyn Lee Parrott
Review of "Ecclesiastes: A reflective exposition"
Jaclyn Lee Parrott
Review of "The #ActuallyAutistic guide to advocacy: Step-by- Step advice on how to ally and speak up with autistic people and the autism community"
Jennifer M. Brady
Review of "Faith and fake news: A guide to consuming information wisely"
Katherine J. Graber
Review of "Three in one: analogies for the Trinity"
Steve Emerson
Review of "Calvin on the death of Christ: A word for the world"
Jonathan McCormick
Review of "Jesus revolution: How God transformed an unlikely generation and how he can do it again today (movie ed.)"
Robert J. Oliverio
Review of "Is social justice just?"
Jonathan Lawler
Review of "NIV heritage Bible, passaggio setting"
Stephanie B. Leupp
Review of "People get ready: Twelve Jesus-haunted misfits, malcontents, and dreamers in pursuit of justice"
Andrew C. Stout
Review of "40 questions about Arminianism"
John Jaeger
Review of "Topical preaching in a complex world: How to proclaim truth and relevance at the same time"
Craig Rosenbeck
Review of "The strengths-based guide to supporting autistic children: A positive psychology approach to parenting"
Robert J. Oliverio
Review of "40 questions about prayer"
Joshua Strickler
Review of "40 questions about women in ministry"
Keilah Villa
Review of "1 Peter: a commentary for biblical preaching and teaching"
Francisco De Assis Nogueria Barros